


Beginning with FY2024, the previous SPRING program has been consolidated with the "University Fellowship Program for the Innovation Creation in Science and Technology" which has been implemented by JST, and is now open for public application as the " Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation (SPRING) 2024 " and our university applied anew to and was selected as "All Directional Innovative Challenger Ph.D. Project (ALDIC-PhD)".

令和6年(2024年)10月採択プロジェクト生 学生選抜について

募集人員/Number of Students to be Accepted

Application qualifications are specified separately, so please check the application guidelines for details.

令和6年度入学者 18名程度
令和6年10月現在 2年次に在学する者 若干名
令和6年10月現在 3年次に在学する者 若干名(休学期間を除き,在学月数が31ヶ月以下の者)
令和6年10月現在 4年次に在学する者 若干名(休学期間を除き,在学月数が43ヶ月以下の者)

Approx. 18 students the from the enrollees 2024.
A few each from the new 2 nd, *3rd, and *4th graders (as of October 2024)
*3rd grader must have been enrolled for 31 months or less, excluding leaves of absence periods.
*4th grader must have been enrolled for 43 months or less, excluding leaves of absence periods.

募集期間 /Application Period


Tuesday, July 9, 2024, till 13:00 on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 (strictly enforced).

申請書類 /Application Documents


Please download the application documents from the link below and submit them by the above deadline using the designated submission method.

(別紙様式1)受験者評価書(Microsoft Forms)/Candidate evaluation and recommendation form

 This form is to be submitted by your supervisor. The applicant should ask your supervisor to complete the form at the link below.

提出期日 :令和6年7月30日(火)13時まで(厳守)
Due date:Tuesday, July 30, 2024 by 13:00 (strictly enforced).



Please be sure to read the Q&A before submitting your application.


千葉大学 研究推進部 研究推進課 全方位・挑戦的融合イノベーター博士人材養成プロジェクト担当
